Amy Lee

Amy Lee
Full Name: Amy Lynn Hartsler.
Date of Birth: December 13, 1981
Place of Birth: City of Riverside, California, USA.
Marital status: Married to Josh Hartslerom (born in 1977, physician) to May 6, 2007
Family: Father – John Patrick Lee, the mother – Sara Lee; sisters – Carey and Lori’s brother – Robbie.
Children: Jack Lyon Hartsler, born. July 24, 2014.
Education: Academy of Pulaski (Pulaski Academy), edition 2000; of Little Rock, Arkansas, USA.
Occupation: musician (singer, songwriter, composer, professional classical pianist).
Possession of musical instruments: piano, guitar, harp.
Voice range: maximum – E7, minimum – Eb3.


   Amy Lynn Hartsler (Eng. Amy Lynn Hartzler), better known as Amy Lynn Lee (Amy Lynn Lee) was born December 13, 1981 in Riverside, California, USA.

   Amy – the eldest daughter in a family of John Patrick Lee (John Lee) and Sarah (Kergill) Lee (Sara (Cargill) Lee). Amy has two sisters, whose name is Carrie (Carrie) and Lori (Lori), as well as the younger brother Robbie (Robby). Amy also had another sister, who died in 1987 at the age of three from an unidentified illness that, according to the most Amy greatly influenced her work. In particular, songs like “Hello” and “Like You” are devoted to this tragic event in the life of her family.

   Music has always played a special role in the family of Lee. Amy got its name in honor of the popular songs of the 70s. “Amie”. John Lee in his 20 years of playing in a local band The Hard Luck Band, performing a cover song, and now better known as a DJ at a local radio K106.3 in Little Rok.Emi Lee with his parents – Sarah and John Lee his love to playing music and he gave the children, each of whom sings and plays various musical instruments. Amy herself began to learn to play the guitar with 9 years, and then about 15 years dedicated to teaching at a music school. She studied at the Pulaski Academy until 2000, where during training the choir.

   After graduation, Amy admitted to Middle Tennessee State University, where he intended to study music theory and composition. However, the University of Amy threw to focus on the group, and never regretted it.

I do not think anyone at the university would have remembered about me.

   Since childhood, Amy got used to moving. Several times the Lee family moved first from Riverside in West Palm Beach (Florida, USA), later in Rockford (Illinois, USA), and finally, Lee settled in Little Rock (Little Rock) Arkansas, United States .

   It was here, in a small town in the shadow of which blossomed hardcore scene (such as groups Mindrage, Kill System also hails from here) there was a fateful meeting of two young people Amy Lee and Ben Moody (Ben Moody), which grew into a friendship and co-creation. The first song written for Amy Evanescence – a joint project of the boys – were “Solitude” and “Give Unto Me”.

   In the future work of Evanescence, including the recording of the album “Fallen”, Amy Lee and Ben Moody participate equally. But after the great success of the album “Fallen”, its sales in the millions, and two Grammy Awards, long-term and fruitful friendship Ben and Amy suddenly broken.

   October 22, 2003 Ben Moody left his brainchild, which was, without exaggeration, a turning point not only in the life of the group, but also in the life of Amy Lee. So Ben left the further development of the creative process Evanescence, Amy and gave complete freedom.

   Despite the fact that the group was left without a co-founder and guitarist, the band continued to exist. Vacant guitarist Terry Balsamo took (Terry Balsamo), who helped successfully complete the tour in support of the Fallen.

   In 2006 they released their second studio album – The Open Door, which was the result of joint efforts by Amy, Terry, John Lecompte (John LeCompt) and Rocky Gray (Rocky Gray). Most of the music and all the lyrics created by Amy, fueled by the support and creative ideas Terry, as well as the events of his personal life.

   The album was accompanied by a full-scale tour round, the release of singles and videos. The album was warmly accepted and still enjoys considerable commercial success.

Personal life

   Amy Lee has never concealed that the majority of her songs written about personal experiences.

I – an artist, so I’m energetic, focused on their feelings. When I write songs, I throw out everything that I need to remove the soul. [This is] part of what helps me to be a happy man, because so I can be free.

   Events privacy performer has always had an increased interest among fans of her work.

   Speculation about tied Amy Lee and Ben Moody only friendship or something more, were always there, but the special soil under a had. Information about the fact that they had a romantic relationship, is not confirmed by 100%.

   In 2003, Amy began to meet with the leader of the American band Seether Shaun Morgan (Shaun Morgan). Amy Lee and Shaun Morgan at the 47th Grammy Awards ceremony

   Their union is quite fruitful influence on the work of both groups. In 2004, the guys even went to tour together. Sean and his team repeatedly “light” on the official DVD Evanescence – “Anywhere But Home”. Also, Amy and Sean recorded a song together – “Broken” which was included on the album Seether “Disclaimer II”.

   But nothing lasts forever, and after three years of relations Amy and Shaun Morgan parted, which was reflected in the works of Lee. Experiencing severe gap, Amy wrote the song “Call Me When You’re Sober” (“Call me when you sober up”), which became the first single of the album “The Open Door” and a challenge ex-boyfriend, who is known to have had a big problem with alcohol, and that was the cause of the break. About addictions also mentioned in the song “Lithium”. Line “you were not drunk enough to say that you love me” (“Just did not drink enough to say you love me”), could not hurt Sean. Frequent mention of Morgan as a “drunk” friend Amy, apparently, did not give Seether vocalist rest, and he even made a parody of a photo shoot in the spirit of “CMWYS”. Also rumored song “Breakdown” (“Break”) is a kind of group Seether song response to Sean Morgan “CMWYS”, and the whole album Seether “Finding Beauty in Negative Spaces” (2007) theme permeates the gap complex relationship.

   Now the relationship with Evanescence Morgan recalls with obvious sarcasm. Not so long ago appeared on the Facebook group photos where Sean “exchanged persons” with vocalist Evanescence.

   In an interview to “The Open Door” Amy said many times, which greatly increased compared to the time when his career was just beginning. This also affected the personal relationships. January 8, 2007, during his stay in Canada, Amy Lee became engaged to Josh Hartslerom (Josh Hartzler, 1977).

   Publicly, the engagement became known the next day after Josh got up on one knee in front of Amy’s proposal. Evanescence vocalist was invited guests at the Canadian show Much, and a ring on the ring finger caught everyone’s attention.

   Josh – an old friend of Amy. It was his personality, according to Lee, became the inspiration for the most famous songs of the band – “Bring Me to Life”. Just Josh dedicated to song “Good Enough” from the album “The Open Door”. Josh – psychotherapist by profession, as Amy was in Pulaski Academy. Actively involved in charity work, enjoys photography.

   By the way, the husband of Amy Lee is not so far from the music, as it might seem at first glance. Josh is known about the friendship with David Hodges, and even their joint songwriting. Solo album David Musical Demonstrations Pt.1, Josh Hartsler mentioned as a co-author of the lyrics to three songs: “Crowd Of Me”, “Fly” and “Thursday”. Josh even took part in writing the single “What About Now” group Daughtry with Ben Moody and David Hodzhesom.Takzhe in 2013. Josh took part in the recording of single New York band “Sattelite” under the name “Brooklyn”.

   May 6, 2007 Amy and Josh were married in the house of the parents of Amy. The wedding was very traditional, in close family. While the photos from the wedding never become public some information about this important day in the life of a performer, is still there. As you know, the ceremony led by Bob Cargill (Bob Cargill), grandfather of Amy Lee, and the groom’s best man was none other than David Hodges; it is known that among the guests was a participant and Evanescence, Terry Balsamo.

   The solemn ceremony was held on Saturday afternoon, Li wore a dress of ivory in the Victorian style and veil. On the festive table adorned wedding cakes with blue frosting, white chocolate and coconut filling. Honeymoon couple spent in the Caribbean.

   At the moment, Amy and Josh live in New York, USA. According to Amy, her house – it’s an old Gothic chapel with a huge bathroom.

   Known love Amy animals. But the most favorite of journalists history Amy Lee and her pet is the story about the death of Gracie, beloved hamster Amy:

I have always loved animals, and I remember a case where my parents went to buy a hamster. When I was, um … five years. And so, therefore, bought a hamster. I was so happy! We got in the car, and I began to squeeze the mohnatenky lump. And since I am located in the front seat, then released the hamster walk on the dashboard. In our old machine the surface of the panel was quite slippery, and there – a hole for the air conditioner … So, the poor hamster slipped into the vent hole, got stuck and died … and then my father had to disassemble the ill-fated panel to remove the body of a hamster. And I cried and cried still very, very long time. Perhaps that is why our songs about death and all sorts of other misfortunes. Poor, poor hamster Gracie!
   Amy is at home now have 2 cats, one of which Maine coon (largest breed of domestic cats).

   Amy loves to cook, and do not mind to open his own restaurant. And in old age she sees herself the good old lady with a lot of cats, children were treated to homemade sweets.

   Long break between albums Mrs. Hartsler explained desire to be “normal person” to live a family life. Family and home, even though we know, is for Amy, she said, the most important in your life?

How about the house, I think of two places: on the New York, where I live with my husband, and my parents’ house in Arkansas. I became more than ever before, to appreciate the simple things, I have had many “fantastic” in life, I had a lot of awesome, unforgettable moments – how to play D ownload, but home, family, my roots – it’s much more important to me than anything else. It is important to remember this, because no matter what happens, no matter how all spun it – what you can be sure that will protect you.

July 24, 2014 at ten to eight in the morning, Amy gave birth to a boy, Jack Lyon.


In addition to working in Evanescence, Amy has been and is actively involved in several other musical and social projects.

Project Out of the Shadows
In 2005, Amy became a representative of the organization and the Epilepsy Foundation has launched a campaign called Out of the Shadows. The main purpose of which was to disseminate information about epilepsy and loyalty to the people suffering from this disease. For Amy, this project is of particular importance, because her younger brother Robbie – epileptic.

Project To Write Love on Her Arms
Amy support a non-profit movement that aims to help people suffering from depression, various addictions and suicidal tendencies.

UN Haiti Relief Effort
January 22, 2010 after the earthquake in Haiti, Amy announced through his Twitter account about the release of the song “Together Again”, which can be downloaded for $ 5. All the money raised for downloading songs were transferred to some help to the victims. According to Amy, donations in the first week amounted to US $ 31,000.

Restore Freedom
In 2010, Amy supported the campaign Restore Freedom in the fight against sex trafficking and construction of housing in New York for the victims.

I was inspired Restore, when I heard about it, it seems like two years. My husband and I have like this. This year, they tried to find someone, and I said, “You know what I want to do it, and I’ll get a couple of good friends who could sing with me. We can do anything you want to shed light on the what is happening here in New York and around the world, we are happy to do it.

   Amy has actively supported the campaign now. April 10, 2012 held a benefit concert with her participation, Restore Freedom Gala, in support of raising funds and attracting public attention to the issue of the slave trade.

   May 3, 2012 New York-based United Cerebral Palsy Amy Lee was awarded an honorary award Luella Bennack Service. The ceremony was called Women Who Care (Women who do not care) annually honor women from various sectors of society, “that illuminate new ways, demolish obstacles and inspire others to seek its own.” At the presentation of awards was shown a video about Amy Lee, the words in which it definitely represents their attitude towards charitable activities:

I want to change the world for the sake of my family … and yours. They should never be afraid again. And that means that everyone needs to know: this is good – to be as they are.

Solo activities

   Despite the fact that at the moment Amy does not see himself as a solo artist, this topic has been raised in various interviews.

I definitely see how to record a solo album. I write a lot of music, and during those years, when I began to write again, I realized that some of the songs – Evanescence, and some – not. But there was a lot of songs for the band, so I realized that Evanescence – is the right way. But I think to some extent it is even possible, and it will happen; I have some plans for his solo album.
    Outside of Evanescence Amy Lee has performed several times. For example, it can be seen in the video, dedicated to Johnny Cash (Johny Cash) for the song “God’s Gonna Cut You Down”.

   Amy also managed to solo collaborate with a group Korn. The guys were not just on the same music venues, Amy successfully performed a cover of the song “Thoughtless” tour to the “Fallen”, so it is not surprising that the singer was invited to record an acoustic concert for Korn MTV Unplugged.

   In autumn 2008, Lee has participated in the work on the processing of the soundtrack to her favorite movie The Nightmare Before Christmas (The Nightmare Before Christmas) – Nightmare Revisited, which sang “Sally’s Song”. By the way, this is the first entry in which Amy shows off the harp.

   In December 2008, Amy acted in concert his girlfriend floors Cole (Paula Cole), but, unfortunately, a lot of information about this speech is left. By the way, Paula Amy stood still and Restore Freedom Gala, which was mentioned above.

   Amy does not neglect her favorite children’s programs now. For example, in the summer of 2011, she performed a cover of the song “Halfway Down the Stairs” from the famous Muppet Show for album The Green Album (The Green Album) (released August 23, 2011).


Musical preferences

  Bjork, Portishead, SoundGarden, Nirvana, Korn, Michael Jackson, Janis Joplin, Tory Amos, MGMT, MIA


cinematic preferences

favorite Movie
The Nightmare Before Christmas (The Nightmare Before Christmas), 1993., Dir. Tim Burton.

favorite actors
Giovanni Ribisi (Giovanni Ribisi) (Saving Private Ryan, Gone in 60 Seconds, The Rum Diary, etc.), Johnny Depp (Johnny Depp) (Sleepy Hollow, Ed Wood, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, etc.). Favorite movie starring Johnny Depp – Edward Scissorhands (Edward Scissorhands).

Top favorite horror movies:
1. The Nightmare Before Christmas (The Nightmare Before Christmas), 1993., Dir. Tim Burton.

2. Halloween (Halloween), 1978, dir. John Carpenter.

3. Carrie (Carrie), 1976, dir. Brian De Palma.

4. Psycho (Psycho), 1960, dir. Alfred Hitchcock.

5. The Birds (Birds), 1963, dir. Alfred Hitchcock.

Amy is also very fond of cartoon Haya Miyazaki (Spirited Away, Howl’s Moving Castle, Ponyo on the cliff, and others.), Considers himself a real fan of his anime. Likes to watch musical films about rock groups such as Almost Famous, is on tour.
Amy has repeatedly mentioned that it is not played in Evanescence, it would write the music for the movie.

  Other facts

   Amy was born in Parkview Hospital (Parkview Hospital).

   The family of Amy Lee Scottish and English roots, and it is she has a kinship with Edward Robert Lee, one of the most famous American military leaders of the XIX century.

Main hobby Amy were at school choir and drama club. Lee was president of the choir, for which called itself the “choir nerd” (choir nerd). She wrote the song “Listen to the Rain” was performed at the prom in 2000.

   Amy was a good girl, and only once her father was summoned to the school for a prank – Amy drove on rollers in the school hallway.
   That school years Amy began to get involved in the design their own clothes. She often tried to sew their own clothes, but the experience was rather unfortunate, because her works buvalno falling apart and had to ask someone thread and needle.

   One of the best friends Amy Lee – Beth Wilson (Beth Wilson), her makeup artist. Amy Beth sovprovozhdaet since the tour in support of the Fallen, the girls can be seen in many photos vmecte. By the way, Beth has its own Twitter account.
Amy does not like the transmission type X-Factor (analogue Minutes of Fame):
I’m a fan of people who have created their own thing. I do not press the details of [the show] and do not follow them.

My favorite computer game – “The Legend of Zelda” for the Nintendo DS Lite.
On the official forum Evanescence Amy uses the nickname SnowWhite. The song “Snow White Queen” from the album The Open Door refers precisely to this.
It is believed that the image of Amy Lee on the cover of the album Fallen served as an inspiration to create an image of the protagonist anime Ergo Proxy. Officially conjecture has not been confirmed, but the similarities are obvious.
Favorite place – the ocean.
Amy is allergic to lobster.
Favourite drink – red wine.
My favorite holiday – Halloween.
My favorite historical era – Victorian.
Favorite color – celadon.

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