Bette Midler

Bette Midler
Bette Midler
Birthday: 12/01/1945 Year
Age: 69 years
Place of Birth: Honolulu, Hawaii, Australia

Nationality: United States
Height: 155 cm

He woke up and was stunned: hospital ward was not found. Everywhere – on the windowsill, even on the floor on a blanket fragrance bouquets of flowers. Roses, lilies, irises and some other exotic plants whose names he did not even know. Nearby, on the table, lay card. Small gusty handwriting it was written: “What are you doing – going to hurt? Do not even think about it. I’m on my way. Always your Divine Miss M.”.

Source: Journal of “Caravan of stories”, January 2000.
Fred Midler, hereditary mechanic in the third generation, scratched his head in confusion by the hour not easier! What these doctors dark and avert their eyes, as if he were some twenty young lady, and not a man, his seventh decade. That nurse whispering behind my back about some swelling and loud say it’s all right and he is on the mend. Now all hell is going on. What kind of divine mission? Wife died many years ago. Friends do not tend to be a hoax, so they have no money for such luxury flowers. Son? Fred even coughed from such a thought – the boy was born with a weird and five years bezvylazno sitting in the clinic for the insane, there glues boxes. Maybe my daughter? But she left many years ago in New York, and since then about her nothing has been heard. His wife, however, something told me … Is it really Betty? Fred lay back and plunged into memories.
Was a nice girl, obedient. Not yet grown. Superfluous words do not say, scolded her, and she just looks at the floor, pleats on the skirt pulls yes Knicks do. Beauty, of course. God has not given – was ugly, God forgive me, and stout to the same: it was too sweet love. Well, is not this happiness. Only cried often – every day of the school resorted to tears; “Daddy, why they do not like me?” Pope, however, not before it – a great deal of work; neighbors carried to repair any utensils – kerosene stoves, kerosene lamps, old watches. So you have to boo: Come and go up hence, dad works. And it is – nothing shmygnet nose, take a sandwich and – Shasta in the jungle walk. Jungle, yes … still beautiful place Honolulu.
… Mr. and Mrs. Midler, though met in New Jersey, but then, even before the birth of the baby, moved to Hawaii in Honolulu suburb. Betty childhood passed among the pineapple plantations and orange groves, she climbed on coconut palms and sometimes envied itself – because not everyone is brought to live in such krasotischa: bright colors, unusual smells, the sea of ??yellow, red, orange flowers. Little girl on a background of sunlit orchids and fragrant acacia – so ancient engravings depicting gardens of paradise. But that’s only live in this paradise it was no fun.
Betty was born on the first of December 1945, and was the only white girl in the street: Midler lived in Chinatown, at home in the neighborhood occupied by color – Hawaiian, Polynesian, Japanese with Chinese .., school girl was as hard labor: children are often cruel and young Betty teased hurl and that white, and for the fact that thick, and that ugly. However, she could not forgive insults and enjoyed every opportunity to make enemies scores. Klitschko, who bestowed upon them, Betty, were remarkably well-aimed – the whole school with fun phrases to repeat it so soon with Ryzhikov nobody contacted: our own peril.
In the street she never gave descent, but the house had to be Betty meek and docile – Fred Midler differed tough character. Boring and pedantic, he forced his daughter every day to report that she had done a good day, mercilessly flogged for bad grades and did not tolerate its presence in the fun. “Life is a prohihikaesh hurl!” – Fred spoke clearly and acted accordingly: Betty was forbidden to go on holidays that suit the local community, and even put a Christmas tree in his house, he is not permitted. Paternal notation always boiled down to one thing: “The main thing in life – to choose the right road. That’s right, you know? Otherwise, silly, have to pay for everything.”
Neighbors is not very fond of Fred and sneak privechali Bette – the girl grew lively and fun, it spared everyone in the neighborhood. The house elderly Betty Portuguese first heard folk songs and soon knew them all by heart – ukulele girl sang unexpectedly strong voice. She learned a few Christmas carols, secret from their parents took part in the school singing contest and won first prize – for the performance of song “Silent Night.”
House scandal – the father shouted that will not tolerate that his daughter sang from the stage all the small stuff, and sarcastically asked: “Maybe you want to become a singer? Twirl back to the amusement of the public? Yes, for you no decent man would not marry!” Mom just sighed: she was sorry for her daughter, and in the innocent’s songs she did not see anything wrong, but to argue with her husband has long ceased. Once Fred clearly explained to her that the role of women in this house is defined once and for all children to cook and wipe ass. She knew in advance what the outcome of the next skirmish husband prooret put truth, Betty humbly listen to every word, burying look into some Scherbinka in the floor, just as silently curtsied and run to his room.
But this time the submissive daughter if substituted. “Maybe singer – said Betty, wondering sound of his own voice. – Or an actress. But certainly in this hole will not stay. She had me fed up. You’re fed up with me!” The girl has never objected to his father, especially in such a tone, and now saw with horror in his eyes flashed anger. Betty for a moment that she made something irreparable and now life goes quite differently – she was turned out of the house, will be deprived of parental blessing, but you never know …
But, interestingly, this feeling she even liked it.
Betty times then I thought: why is she suddenly rebelled? It was a strange feeling – resentment mixed with contempt. Maybe because she fought for the prize, and even parents can not find a good word? Or maybe she suddenly had the same “right way” – a tedious study, work as a secretary (father thought it was the best profession for a woman), a happy marriage with some clerk or, at best, a professional soldier, which in Hawaii dime a dozen? Submit a measured life, gossip-neighbor, a dull set of entertainment – TV series, women’s novels in cheap covers, once a month trip to the performance of a comedian coaching. And Betty vowed in her life will not be so.
Father gave her a good spanking and forbade week to touch sweet. But something has indeed changed: the next day, Betty brought home his girlfriend and solemnly entered into a bet with her: “I bet I’ll be rich and famous, I know about the whole world!” A day later, she announced that seeks girls with good voices to create a musical ensemble. And six months later, and all left home – forever.
Vocal trio “Pyridine” quickly became popular. Three young girls toured the US military bases that are located in Hawaii and dazed from the lack of women Marines staged their unprecedented standing ovation. Betty was not very pretty and well-known that, but the greater was the feeling of success – after all adult males in the audience clapped and her too. Sometimes even bringing flowers and waiting at the door hastily arranged dressing rooms – Betty sent away unwanted suitors, knowing that they really need … And yet it is something to hide, it was damn nice. However, a few months later the trio broke up: study ended in high school, and her partner dispersed in all directions. And she leaned Betty university Honolulu, Department of Performing Excellence: Before leaving home, she vowed never to come back here – and kept her promise.
However, she wrote a letter – at least initially. Each of them is Fred willy-nilly memorized by heart: his wife enthusiastically read them aloud times ten shows all the neighbors and even tried to hang on the wall. At this point the head of the family opposed: there was no more to this nonsense calluses his eyes. However, it was clear that over each letter daughter worked hard – sheets were decorated with some bright and funny pictures clippings own making. The first letter begins, “God, how I hate pineapple! I cut them from morning till night, I cut and put in jars, I smelled of pineapple thoroughly. Every night I pour themselves a ton of shampoo, exhausted all stocks of water in the area, a lot of money I spend on perfume and still smells like pineapple compote. Mom, if I go back, you can use me as a perfume for laundry. ” From writing really was faint smell of pineapple.
One, two, pot after pot, cut and put, it’s simple. Father did not give her a penny, would not even talk to my daughter before parting, so you have the most to earn a living – Betty got a cannery. Eight hours a day, including weekends and holidays. Thirty minutes – for breakfast, ten – on vacation, move, baby, we pay you a dollar twenty-five per hour, no time to dally. And so three consecutive seasons: the summer – in the factory, but then a year to live on the accumulated money, learn, play Chekhov’s dream of stardom. On the first academic performance (it was just “The Cherry Orchard”) accidentally hit the director of the film “Hawaii” – the film crew arrived in Honolulu to shoot a couple of scenes. Betty liked it, it was something – plump, slightly vulgar, and at the same time extremely touching.
Betty offered to play the wife of an American missionary, who with her husband returns from America to Hawaii. The role was small, besides her character suffered from seasickness, and Betty wrote home: “I thought that lure here acting – in vain, whether that taught the Stanislavsky? (Here Fred asked,” And who is this Stanislavsky Professor of her, or what? “My wife just shrugged her shoulders.) As a result, all the time spent overhang overboard. I was already nicknamed” blyuyuschih beauty. “But I shot two months without a break, got acquainted with all the actors – Mom, they’re so cute and all advised me to go to New York: there is a lot of theaters, can I go somewhere so I will build. Once paid the money – I promise the same amount that you would not believe – certainly will do so. ” Attached to the letter Photo: Betty embracing a pretty girl. The inscription on the back reads: “This is Ellen, my friend. In New York, we’ll go together.”
A few days later, Ellen hit by a car …
She was the only person to whom Betty sincerely attached. She cried all eyes locked in his room, and no one wanted to see. But New York still went, thinking that they are now obliged to make their – in memory of Ellen because she had such faith in her.
Betty rented a room in a cheap Manhattan hotel, more like a hangout (it was packed to overflowing pimps, prostitutes, drug dealers and small), and began to look for a job. Without money, without friends and support, she rushed to the city as a pool. Worked as a typist at Columbia University, a saleswoman of hats and gloves in a large department store, dancing in bars and soap containers, and all free time to devote to that auditioned in every known her show – requested leave resume stalking producers at the service entrance. After a long ordeal Bette offered a small role without words in the musical “Miss Nefertiti Regrets”. Then – a role more. Sparsely few some years. And then Betty went for broke.
She appeared on the samples of the new musical “Salvation” – he put a famous film director, before the premiere of it written all venerable critics, and Betty was sure to get a role in it. Then she wrote home: “Imagine, Mom, before the hall, where he stayed aspiring actress, a crowd had gathered. All as the selection Centerfolds, all legs of the neck. Are angrily at each other glances Well, I think there is no chance. And then I have some enthusiasm to understand: it would be good to all of them to pull the nose, I presented myself in the place of the director who selects actresses – standing all day long, the girls evaluated and they all resemble each other and all do the same: come out, backwards Out of it, some passage with the expression to read or sing a song, and even eyes assumed a strive. No, I think we must somehow different … ”
Betty entered the room with her head held high, anyone not looking. Stood for a moment looking around and suddenly threw herself at the feet of the musical choreographer. Taken aback, he frantically tried to move, but could not – Betty tightly around his knees and spoke breathlessly: “I know you’re in my life seen a lot of young ladies. But such as I – never!” The trick Betty, oddly enough, worked: it seemed to him funny, and he publicly announced that the selection is over – role goes to Miss … What is your name? … Bette Miller! Betty got up to his feet and looked around triumphantly her former competitors, which stretched from persons strolled to the door.
Fred then even happy for her daughter: her grip that is necessary, all in the father. Thrown to this crap out of my head so get down to business – would have gone far. A week later, the amazed couple Midler brought a strange package fitted by crimson velvet. Inside were four times folded picture, audio cassette and a letter. The photograph was of Bette in an elaborate dress, gently hugs the microphone on the stage of a bar. “Well reached! – Just hissed Fred. – Sings the taverns! This she had been taught at the university, or what? The meeting of Stanislavsky – tear off his head!” Were recorded on film some applause interspersed with noise, rattling dishes and someone’s voice.
In a letter to all the enthusiastic Bette explained: “Mom, I’m at the bar scene” Hillis. “His New York all know – there are going to all sorts of entertainers, directors, sometimes quite famous personalities across. And in this bar, can you imagine, I was invited to sing! I mean, not that that was invited … In general, I myself asked for. protorchala week in the New York music library as cursed, picked up his repertoire. I thought, modern ditty no surprise – and climbed to listen to all the old days, Well, as you like: country, gospelz, blues different. Such melodies dug – where there is present! And I took about-ho-ho as – hear applause for the film? It’s me clap. A friend recorded on tape. ”
Betty told the truth, but not all. She will not ask, and simply shook just like it, fame-seekers who did wipe them around the bar, literally burst onto the small stage and declared itself: “Ladies and gentlemen, I now sing you some songs – and this you have not heard! ”
However, at first the girl no one paid any attention: there were Crank pohlesche. However, Betty, do not hesitate, start to sing, and by the end of the first song, the clink of glasses and lively conversations ceased: all eyes were fixed on the stage – Betty in a red dress with a giant cutout whispered into the microphone the words of the old hit “I can not live without you”, gently stroking his magnificent body. Visitors fascinated looking at the outstanding bust Bettti and whispered: “Yes, she is under her dress nothing!”, And she seemed oblivious to these views, writhing languidly broaching the sounds of swing. After the speech, the audience burst into applause at the bar, in response Betty carelessly sent to the hall kiss – as if she was so bored with thunderous applause that she does not know where to go from him. (This gesture, she took over from Marlene Dietrich and long rehearsed it in front of a mirror.)
At the end of the letter was written is, from what Fred knees buckled. “Mom, you just do not be surprised. I did after this concert is a strange proposal – to act in the baths! .. But they pay in cash, and pay well, also provide an opportunity to do his own show – on such terms and in hell I agree to act ! I think, by the way, among the features of a full gay guys. ” Downstairs hurried handwriting she added: “Only the Pope about the baths do not tell,” but it was too late. Mother read the letter aloud to poskriptum reached at the same time, when Fred got to packaging validolom. “My daughter! Speaking in front of naked aunts! God!” – He muttered sadly. And from that time when it forbade the mention of the successes Bette: “The next time she would write, how delightful striptease or what tasted cocaine!”
If Fred learned the details of “bath contract,” it would just had a stroke. Speak to the “naked aunts” Bettti not have simply because in the famous “Continental Baths” Women were not allowed. Gathered here the most famous gay New York.
Betty heard a lot about these baths – it was said that there can be found in almost all known producers and entertainers. To inspect the scene for future work, she had to get dressed waitress: staff consisted only of women. Bette wore tiny yellow apron, barely covered her charms, and even more so ephemeral lace panties and began to carry drinks, glancing around. She only had time to open his mouth: this is a well-known actor, plays a heroic lovers, and over there it tolstyachka she even had a visit and a friendly chirped with his wife!

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