Yul Brynner

Yul Brynner
Yul Brynner
Birthday: 7/11/1920, the
Age: 65 years
Birthplace: Vladivostok, Russia
Date of death: 10.10.1985 Year
Place of death: New York, United States

Citizenship: US
Height: 173 cm

Star and Death of Yul Brynner
When the Soviet rolling out the film “The Magnificent Seven”, he had mad success. The images of the main characters serve as an example for others to follow thousands of boys who have watched this film. Particularly striking shaved bald brave Chris – the hero actor Yul Brynner. Someone in the audience could have imagined that in the thirties in Paris, this cowboy singing Russian songs in restaurants and it flows in the veins of “Russian” blood? His Parisian friend, the great Jean Cocteau said: “Yul Brynner had to go mad to think of before, that he had – would be able to become a great Yul Brynner,” His life, his fate became a mystery, she was also quite fascinating how and his on-screen images. Is there anyone – anyone who knows the truth about the Yule Brynner?
1. Start
In the summer of 1865 to the captain of a pirate ship, furrow the seas around Japan, and China, a young man came and asked to take him to Japan. For this young man promised to scrub the deck, which is especially needed after the battle, when all the decks were covered with blood. The young man’s name was Jules Briner, he was 16 years old and he ran away from his parents’ house in Switzerland. The captain kept his word and dropped it near Yokohama. There Jules found a job as a clerk in the export of a rich old Englishman. In just a few months of Jules became an indispensable assistant master, who loved him as a son. When the Englishman died, he left his entire fortune to Jules, who became wealthy and respected member of the colony. He married, he had children, but “wanderlust” gave him no rest, he left his family and moved to Vladivostok. There Jules became Julius Ivanovich and once married to the daughter of the Mongol Khan, whose family, as she said, went back to Genghis Khan. They had six children: three daughters and three sons – Leonid, Boris and Felix. When the sons graduated from high school, they were sent to study at the University of St. Petersburg. In St. Petersburg, Boris met with Marusya Blagovidova, daughter vladivosktokskogo doctor, whom he married in 1914, and he returned to Vladivostok Chartered mineralologom. Boris wants to work in the silver mines, owned by the family. After some time, they had a daughter, Vera, and Vladivostok, where they soon returned, July 11, 1920 was born the son, who was named after his grandfather Yul. Soon the family Brynner (having Swiss roots) take Soviet citizenship. (First of all, at the insistence of the Bolshevik government). In 1924, in Moscow, on a business trip, the father Yul met with the actress of the Moscow Art Theatre Kornakova Catherine, wife of Alexei Wild (the future People’s Artist of USSR, laureate, who played Kutuzov, Nakhimov and even Stalin). After a while Boris throws a family and went to Harbin with Catherine. It was done because, in spite of the signed agreement with the Soviet government to be “Russian Nepmen” became dangerous. His first wife Maroussia with Yul and her daughter Vera is also sent to Harbin – under the pretext that the children go to study in the best schools in the region – it was a school YMCA. Vera began to study vocal (later, in New York, it will act on the opera stage and teach). A Yule just ran away from home in Paris, saying that he was going to stay with relatives in Switzerland.
2. Paris
In Paris, after a long search of work, he met with Alyosha Dmitrievich known performer of gypsy songs. June 15, 1935 in a large Parisian cabaret first concert Yul Briner, performed the gypsy songs accompanied by guitars 30. The singer was not yet fifteen. He later recorded a record that at the present time is a collector’s rarity.
In Normandy Yule worked as a lifeguard at the beach, met with the troupe of wandering circus, two years in the circus acts. But one day fall from a trapeze on a stack assembly of pipes and admitted to the hospital with a lot of broken ribs and damaged vertebrae. During treatment for pain Yulu give opium, he gets used and becomes an addict. Once at the dock, where he goes to buy opium from the sailors arriving from Vietnam, he met Jean Cocteau – known poet, playwright, painter of avant-garde trends, opium. They are friendly, Cocteau introduces Yule with their friends Pablo Picasso, Salvador Dali, Marcel Marceau, Jean Marais. Later, money Yule, Cocteau takes off his masterpiece “Orfeo.”
Yul realizes that he became a drug addict. He went to Switzerland, to his aunt Vera, which spends a year in the hospital. In 1938, Yul returned to Paris and enters a pupil in the Russian Theatre George and Ludmila Pitoeva. Yulu like theater. But the war begins. Yul travels to China, where he met with his father and his wife Yekaterina Ivanovna. The former actress says Yulu of the Moscow Art Theater, the system of Stanislavsky and his teacher Michael Chekhov. In 1939, Catherine Kornakova give her stepson a letter of recommendation to the Michael Chekhov, who moved to the United States and opened a school of acting, from which came many of the stars of Hollywood cinema. Yul travels to the United States.
3. America
In 1941, he appeared in Connecticut, where Chekhov settled with his school and started working as a driver of the truck, which transported the costumes and scenery during the tour. At the same time, he attended classes at “the professor”, mastering acting, and soon he was entrusted with the role of the servant Fabian in “Twelfth Night” by Shakespeare. December 2, 1941 premiere, and Fabian – Yul Briner said his few words, almost exhausted his stock of English. American language Brynner long limp. Therefore, his first job in radio was a French broadcaster “Voice of America”. There Yul makes the impossible – to part with a Russian accent. In 1943, the mother dies Yule, Yule suddenly marry a movie star Virginia Gilmore. Newspapers write: “September 6 Gilmore of Virginia and some Roma, whom she met in New York, combining legal marriage.”
4. Women
Yule was the first love of his sister Vera. No distortion was not there – is a romantic affair is easy to explain: everyone who knew the Faith, spoke of it as a fatal yoke, and the more attention paid to it, the more she flirted. Yul Brynner says: “In China, the first time I fell in love. But apart from me that no one knew, because like his sister – a thankless task, and even if I confessed to Vera, in the best case, it would only be laughed at. ”
Real experience with women Yul purchased in Paris. This is what we have heard from his lips. But the first real woman in his life was the incomparable Marlene Dietrich, who taught him everything and should be able to know a man (in the sense of communication with women) caught in an artistic environment. She was older than him, but this had absolutely no meaning. “Our love affair with Marlene was predetermined, and here it has remained a great woman, who always falls in love with what creates their own hands, the woman who destroys your old and your new designs and finishing work takes you on the author’s rights. What if she took it into her head, why Frau Dietrich demanded that Neil barber shave me bald Givena, she never explained. But when I looked in the mirror, mechanically he ran his hand over shaven skull, she put her hand on him and said: “Mr. Brynner, it seems to me, in this way you should not have any problems with the repertoire.” Marlene Dietrich – this, of course, a separate chapter, it is not even love, but a kind of melodramatic glare, it’s like one endless scene that rehearse all day and night … We appear in society, we called each other from the shooting, we literally dug a friend another at the meetings. Hotels, Hotel – apparently, only they are more suitable for our entire novel, but in them we feel ready for anything, maids shocking lack of clothes during the delivery of breakfast, lunch and dinner. Actually, thanks to Marlene I a little bit, a little bit quite understood what a real woman. ”
Then, when Yul became a superstar, he enjoyed frenzied success with women. At various times, among his loved ones had the most beautiful, the most famous actress Judy Garland, Marlene Dietrich, Marilyn Monroe, Ingrid Bergman, and it is, of course, could not please his wife.
Relations between Yul and Virginia becoming increasingly strained. This was exacerbated by endless drunkenness Virzhdzhinii. In the end, after twenty years of marriage, they divorced. Virginia never married, and Yul married three more times. But back then, when he suddenly connected his life with Virginia …
5. Praise
The family moved to New York. Eul works as a driver, doorman, bouncer at the restaurant, an artist’s model by photographers, and in the evenings singing in nightclubs gypsy songs. In December 1946, Virginia had a son. They named the son of Rocky, after the famous American boxer Rocky Graziano. At this time they, along with his wife get a job in television. Yul given a role in the play “Lute Song”, he goes on tour across America, but it’s not what he wants. They have no money, Yul takes supporting roles …
Composer Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein lyricist, creators of musicals “Oklahoma,” “Carousel” and others wrote the musical “The King and I,” about an English teacher who came to Siam to teach the royal children. Actress Mary Martin, played with Yul in the play “Lute Song”, persuaded him to authors seem to be the King. From that moment, time of Yule.
The first performance took place on 26 February 1951. All Yul experienced and learned over his 30 years, he has invested in this role: childhood memories of sacraments East, Gypsy songs prowess, skills acrobat, all the things he had learned from Michael Chekhov. In many ways the image was created by imaginative Yule. If willfulness, naive, noble King was laid in the play, the Yule came from his strength, perseverance, and a frenzy of plastic predator. He was deeply learned the words of his teacher about the importance of the role of the external image: at the time, as the rest of the play were dressed in ordinary suits, he played half-naked, barefoot, and was struck on the face makeup invented them suffering under Japanese kabuki mask. His performance made such an impression on the creators of the musical, they shifted the emphasis, from “supporting” role of the King became a major.
From the very first presentation was a triumph. This went on for three years, until the end of the performances on Broadway. (The play “The King and I” with Yul Brynner and renewed many times over 30 years withstood 4625 performances. Among the latter congratulated Yule pobivshego representation of all records of the show was, and US President Ronald Reagan.)
In 1956, Hollywood began filming the film version of the play “The King and I”. The play was transferred to the screen with the other actors, but in the main role still shone Yul Brynner. In spring 1957, the great Italian actress Anna Magnani presented the best actor Yul Brynner, the golden Oscar statuette. Almost simultaneously came the film “The Ten Commandments”, where Yul played Pharaoh Ramses, and soon there was “Anastasia” (the story of the miracle supposedly survived the king’s daughter), and then – “The Brothers Karamazov” and “Travel”, where Yul played respectively Mitya Karamazov and a Soviet officer , suppresses the Hungarian uprising in 1956 in the film “Taras Bulba”, Brynner, speaking in the title role, “beat” his young rival, Tony Curtis, who plays the son Taras, Andrew. In 1958 he was invited to replace suddenly deceased actor in the movie “Solomon and Sheba” with Gina Lollobrigida and promised to pay for the work of one million dollars. Yul decides not to pay taxes and went to Switzerland. In 1964, it penalizes the Department of Revenue US. Failures pursue Yule. But it is, at this time, seems turned away from the actor, luck suddenly returned.
Before leaving America Yul conceived in Western remake of Akira Kurosawa film masterpieces “The Seven Samurai”. In 1959, he bought the rights to Kurosawa’s story and began to work on the film. Again, as when shooting “The Brothers Karamazov”, he was invited consultant rather coach – an Indian, who taught the actors techniques of rapid-fire pistol. “The Magnificent Seven” was released in November 1960 and was met with criticism is pretty cool, but was a resounding box office success around the world, including the Soviet Union.
And then, in the life of the Yule comes a time when he almost begins to fight for its popularity. But that – the change of his life. In Switzerland, Yul became interested in philately, and this passion has received unexpected continuation. The United Nations has declared 1959 the World Year of refugees and Yul decided to assemble a collection of stamps dedicated to this event. He got in touch with the UN High Commissioner for Refugees and gradually became involved in the UN mission, received the post of Special Adviser of the High Commissioner. In that position, he has traveled dozens of refugee camps from Hong Kong to Jordan, made a television film, and even wrote a book. All fees for the film and the book he sacrificed in favor of refugees. Undoubtedly, the fate of disadvantaged children influenced his decision to adopt two young Vietnamese girls, whom he called Mia and melodies.
However, this is another Yule. In the movie, more and more Yul remained unclaimed. In 1972, he returned to the United States and began to work on TV films. The TV series “Anna and the King” turned out unsuccessful and was at an inconvenient time, but Yul was happy: he again played the role of favorite. Soon he returned to the scene – in the musical comedy based on Homer’s “The Odyssey.” The premiere took place in December 1974 in Washington, DC, and the next year went on tour across America. The performance was weak and kept “afloat” only because Yulu: the public wanted to see “live” skinhead famous actor and filled auditoriums, and Yul tried not to disappoint her and played with full force.
The premiere of the restored play “The King and I” took place on Broadway May 18, 1977, and this date marked the beginning of the triumphant resurrected life and role play, the performance of which was, without exaggeration, a feat of life Yul Brynner. Every day, and sometimes twice a day for eight years Yul went on stage and in every performance he brought to the role of something new. The theater came fans loyal Yulu since the first performance in 1951, and led to a grown-up daughters, that they have experienced all that once experienced ourselves. In April, 1983 in San Francisco has been played 4,000 th performance of “The King and I”, and on this occasion were honored Yul Brynner, Yul but the joy was marred by day, he learned that he is not subject to the operation of lung cancer. With 15 years he was a heavy smoker, smoked two to three packs of cigarettes a day, and even after 50, he gave up smoking, it turned out that the dirty deed was done. In mid-June 1985 Mary Martin, actress persuaded once Yule try to become the King gave him a special theater Tony Award, and on June 30 was played on Broadway last 4,633th performance. Yul realizes that his life counts last moments. He writes a videotape with his message to those that are still live. Sitting in front of a TV camera, he says: “Now I am dead only because a lot of smoke, so everyone who sees me now, I say: do not tease fate.” Record was supposed to appear on television after his death. It was October 10, 1985.
Who knows the truth about the Yule Brynner but himself? When preparing this article, I had to compare a variety of facts from a variety of sources. But is it so important? Perhaps because of this, and add up the legend of the stars, which for a long time will illuminate the hearts of their fans?

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