Claudia Cardinale

Claudia Cardinale
Claudia Cardinale
Birthday: 04/15/1939 Year
Age: 75 years
Place of birth: Tunis, Tunisia

Nationality: Italian
Height: 173 cm

Perhaps God choosing someone to become a celebrity, blindfolded and pokes his finger where necessary. Otherwise, do not understand how a girl born in Tunisia, April 15, 1939 in the family of the railway, became one of the world’s most famous actresses.
Her father was the son of merchants from Sicily, moved to Tunisia in search of a better life. He was engaged in laying the rails on the construction of the first Tunisian Railways. Claudia remembers from his childhood as his father always dressed all in white and drove a car with a convertible. Mother – daughter of Sicilian shipbuilder – was very cheerful, a lot of laughing and singing. From Sicily to Tunisia at hand, and many Sicilians moved there. Both mother and father were particularly beauty and harmony, and her daughter went to them.
Claudia had known from childhood two languages ??- Italian and French (English she learned later), grew cocky and capricious, and even her family name male name Claude. She had a younger sister, Blanche, and two little brothers. Claudia parents brought in rigor and obedience. For the slightest fault her severely punished. But being the oldest, she tried to raise her younger sister and brother. Perhaps this habit of austerity will help her in the profession actress requiring precise assignments director.
In French Tunisia Italians believed the Nazis, and the school would sometimes beat Claudia classmates. But she always gave the date. In the convent school in Carthage Claudia, with her rebellious independent nature constantly punished for various infractions.
However, the severity of education bear fruit. In fifteen years, Claudia went all in black, never used makeup and did not allow the boys even touch myself. But she already felt that they like more than others, but when one of them wanted to kiss her, she did not resist. But Claudia was too proud, and life goals she had other. She very much wanted to become a schoolteacher and ride with the missionary lessons across Africa. She will then travel a lot, but to teach the children she would not have had. Claudia loved cinema, as well as all time – no television, no rock music did not exist, and the movie was the only entertainment. Most of all she liked the movies with Brigitte Bardot, with whom she became friends with Marlene Brando, with whom he met only once at a rather strange circumstances.
At fourteen Claudia got on the screen. It was a documentary about Tunisia, and close-up Claudia flashed him a few seconds. But it was noticed and offered a role is not yet, but participation in youth fashion show. Parents were against it, but Claudia insisted on their wish to participate in the show. After showing her picture appeared on the cover of a popular magazine. Now, it drew attention to serious filmmakers – French director Jacques Baratier and famous actor Omar Sharif. And immediately offered her a major role. But prevented arrogant character. Retorted the girl did not like the Tunisian producer, and he decided the main role she did not give, but to limit episodic. The main role approve this Tunis. And for good reason: given the role of Claudia – the film would have entered into the history of cinema.
Following the publication was at a charity ball, which chooses the most beautiful Italian Tunisia. But Claudia did not participate in the competition, and his sister in traditional costumes danced on stage and sold lottery tickets. However, someone from the jury eyed noticed a beautiful dancer, and Claudia took first place in the competition. The prize was a trip to the Venice Film Festival in 1957. Here for the first time in the life of a girl looking movie is not in the open area, and in this theater. These were the “White Nights” by Luchino Visconti – a director who would become her “godfather” and lift the title role in his famous “Leopard.”
At the festival, Claudia noticed a young producer Franco Cristaldi and decided to make her a real star. And not lost by signing a contract with her. Claudia has become very popular. First, it offered the role of a famous film director Mario Monicelli in his new film “Again, some unknown.” Together with her then-superstar played Italian cinema: Marcello Mastroianni, Vittorio Gasman, Toto and Renato Salvatori. Then two roles: in the films “Three foreigners in Rome” and “First Night”. In the latter film, she played opposite by Vittorio De Sica – the patriarch of neorealism. Could be jumping for joy! If …
If Claudia was not pregnant. Even before the beauty contest a stranger a few days following her, waiting at the door of the school, walked me home, finally came, spoke. She was at the time liked this guy. The man invited her to the party, saying that there would be this guy. Planted in the car, brought a country house, where, of course, was not a soul, and raped her. Then Claudia met him again and told that she was pregnant. He invited her to have an abortion, she refused. More she did not see him. Tell their parents she could not. That’s what leads rigor of education. Claudia endure piled on her misfortune. During semotk delayed the stomach so that dizzy and terribly sick. She genuinely wanted to die. In the seventh month, when it was impossible to hide the belly bulge, she decided to withdraw from the contract. Kristaldi listened to her, and asked quietly:
– Are you pregnant?
I had to confess. And even say that parents do not know anything. Producer apparently knew how to deal with pregnant actresses, offered to talk with her mother. She agreed. Mother, of course, was horrified. Not so much on what zaberemela daughter and that she did not notice, but from what reported by strange men. Kristaldi sent both in London, in October 1958 Claudia gave birth to a boy, named Patrick. Father, having learned of his grandson, have not talked to Claudia few months.
The studio had to say, it is the little brother of Claudia. Kristaldi himself forbade her to talk about the birth of a child, because she already had the glory of “the bride of Italy.” Do not talk about it in the family. Long considered a child my grandmother mom. Claudia suffered much from it, but it was necessary to either sacrifice himself chosen profession, or throw it. Multi-year contract required all the conditions producer and deprived of choice. Due to physical violence Claudia had to endure moral violence. Tangled personal life with mistakes, failures and non-healing emotionally wounded came into conflict with the false life she had lived on the screen. But she clearly separated life and cinema and never mixed them together.
Role in the film Valerio Dzurlini “Girl with a suitcase” was for Claudia strength test. We had to prove that she is not just a beautiful girl, but also a talented actress. She plays a girl from the streets who falls for a young man from a respectable family. At the end of the film, she hides from him that she had a baby. Claudia played her life. We had another experience that would like to forget. The film was a long scene in which the heroine tells about his life previous lover, and Claudia played a monologue in one breath, accompanying his sobs, laughter … and absorption of food. Claudia so accustomed to the image of the heroine, played that scene in one take. But after the shooting, the actress began severe depression, had to be treated seriously.
Claudia enrolled in acting classes at the Roman studio “Chinechita.” At the receiving the exam she was so jammed that did not say a word. She was accepted for exceptional photogenic. After a quiet Tunisia Rome seemed a madhouse. In addition, it was winter, Claudia froze, accustomed in his Africa to eternal oblivion, even ill with bronchitis. She wanted to quit and go home courses to become a teacher. Kristaldi and even the famous De Laurentiis tried to persuade her to stay. Students directors invited her to the shooting, the journalist “EPOC” made a big report about her photo on the cover. Such attention could not flatter, and Claudia left. But a career in the movies did not even think.
In the next picture – “The Facts of Murder” – directed by Pietro Germi began to show her how to play, how to build the role of the feelings expressed in a particular scene. He taught her to be relaxed before the camera, naturally present in the frame. The role turned out brilliantly. Anna Magnani wanted to get acquainted with the aspiring actress and invited her to his home. They became friends, although Magnani was known for a very difficult character and did not allow anyone in his life. But it was Claudia won her sympathy.
Then was the heyday of Italian cinema, it created a whole phenomenon in the art of the fifties, called neo-realism, and it was conform to the image of Europe’s leading kinoderzhavy. Produces a huge number of films. Claudia was shot once in four or five films a year, mostly playing female temptresses what life was not.
In one of them, “handsome Antonio,” she had a starring role. Her partner was Marcello Mastroianni. They played lovers. Swarthy beauty anyone could drive you mad. And Marcello in love with her on the ears. Or say that falling in love. Anyway, would not leave a single step. But Claudia too well remember my first love bitter experience, and any harassment of men made her disgust. Declarations of love it just amused. Marcello terribly offended – because he thought he was almost the first handsome Italian cinema. But Claudia could not help myself. Mastroianni could not understand why she refused him.
Then there was the episode in “Rocco and His Brothers.” On the set of this picture Claudia met with Alain Delon. Directed by Luchino Visconti to appreciate the beautiful couple and invited both to the main role in his next film ‘The Leopard’. They played the young couple and their relationships in life teetered on the brink of romance and friendship. Visconti taught actress everything: talk, cry, laugh in front of the camera, move and dance. It was a real school for a provincial girl who spoke Italian with a Tunisian accent. The final scene of the ball shot at the palace in Palermo. It was very hot, so shooting at night. By three o’clock in the afternoon Claudia came to the dressing by putting on an old dresser dress. The barber was putting her very long hair. Filming began only seven and continued until six in the morning. And so a month.
Love scenes with Alain Delon brought her meal. He was young and irresistibly beautiful and knew how it affects women. Delon and Visconti signed an unspoken bet that Alain will be able to seduce her. But Claudia was death, and more games is not passed. However, the friendship they have kept for many years. Visconti was also indifferent to women, preferring his friends: actor Helmut Berger and dancer Rudolf Nureyev. It is in their company Claudia after filming went on a trip to Europe.
Claudia will be the favorite actress Visconti, and he will take her in two films: “Misty stars of Ursa Major” and “Family Portrait in the interior.”
Roles are replaced in some incredible kaleidoscope. The painting “La Viachcha” Claudia had a brief affair. Partner in the film turned out to be a timid, shy young man who is a film set amused all the incredible tricks. Claudia could not even imagine what he’s capable of being rude. And took his courtship. His name was Jean-Paul Belmondo. When he and she had become superstars of European cinema, they played together in the “cartouche”. Belmondo during the filming of the whole group kept in suspense because of his antics. Every night in my hotel room, he got drunk with friends, and they threw all the furniture out of the window. The next morning the director Philippe de Broca and Claudia went to the innkeeper, and somehow settle the conflict. This happened almost every day. On filming love scenes turned into a struggle under the covers, and fight scenes – at the scuffle. But oddly enough, Claudia just fell in love with Belmondo and keep up with him on a step. When filming the scene, and which cartouche with his lover floated on a raft through the rapids, Claudia refused Stunt Woman, to keep up with Jean-Paul, who, as you know, in all the films almost all the stunts performed by himself.
A little later, Claudia again fell into the arms of Mastroianni. Federico Fellini filmed “8 1/2” and invited Claudia to play the perfect image of a woman formed in the mind of the hero of the film, which is brilliantly played by Marcello.
On the set of dominated, bustle, hustle and endless conversations. This bedlam was born a true masterpiece. Replica heroine invented during the shooting because the script was not ready. If Fellini thought the dialogue fails, it is absolutely pereozvuchivali other words. Sheer improvisation on the set created a feeling of lightness and freedom.
Filming “8 1/2” held simultaneously with the “Leopard”, and Claudia had to dangle from Rome to Sicily. Visconti did not like Fellini, or rather, did not take his films, and Claudia got it for her throwing from one to another maestro.
Then the star went to Hollywood and starred in several films there. Prominent role in the film “The Pink Panther” – a comedy detective involving British comedian Peter Sellers, who was suffering from bezotvetsvennoy love of Sophia Loren. Claudia showed a drunken Russian princess. Director invited the actress to rest in a small room where a man was smoking hashish. Produce nitrates on the screen appeared drunk princess, which is really just breathed a narcotic haze.
In the drama “World Circus” one of his last roles played Rita Hayworth – once one of the most beautiful actresses in America, but at the time very sick and suffering from alcoholism woman. Claudia played her daughter and in the process of filming experience firsthand how the sunset Hollywood movie star.
She will play in five Hollywood films that do not bring her any success or creative satisfaction. But a close friendship with Rock Hudson, which will be shot in the detective “It Blinfolda.” He will teach her how to behave in society of Hollywood stars. But love is not there, will Rock homosexual.
One day he called Marlon Brando and Claudia offered to meet. She invited him to her hotel room in Beverly Hills. Brando really came and started to talk about the film project “The Countess from Hong Kong”, which is planned to take off in the end the great Charlie Chaplin. But Claudia felt explicit attention to itself with a very different purpose and kept at a distance. Brando tried very hard to impress, but it never achieved. As a result, the title role in “Countess” was Sophia Loren. However, maybe it is decided Chaplin himself. And then Claudia reproached himself for being too moral resistance.
Not accepted, to movie stars live in the hotel, and Claudia moved first to Villa Elizabeth Taylor, then the villa Paul Newman. Actors do not live in them, so as not to be a constant target for cameras and curious tourists.
Hollywood has always tried to outbid European stars, but the Europeans loved freedom more money. Do not succumb to bribery or Belmondo, Delon neither nor Sophia Loren or Brigitte Bardot, nor many others. And those who “pecked” for big money vanished into obscurity. Claudia knew it, and refused to sign a long term contract.
In the film “Centurion” Claudia starred with Alain Delon, who by then had become a single father. His wife, Natalie left him, leaving him with a young son Antoine. Claudia took care of the kids and having some experience of motherhood, trained Delon treatment techniques with the baby. At Delon it was the first child, and he certainly had no idea what had to be done.
Italian director Sergio Leone, stuffed his hand on spaghetti westerns, he moved to Hollywood, where he became an instant classic westerns. It was he who discovered the movie directed by Clint Eastwood and made his last masterpiece “Once in America.” But first there was the movie “Once Upon a Time in the West”, where Claudia played the beloved hero, and the hero – Henry Fonda. It turned out that the “cowboy” virtually no shot in sex scenes. Claudia had to be as “warm up” for him to get a natural scene. On this day, the director has appointed a press conference and journalists rushed to the site. Fund and the cardinals and gave interviews while lying in bed.
With Brigitte Bardot, Claudia met long ago at one of the festivals, but to act together, they had only seventy-first. Christian-Jaque, director of the famous “Fanfan la Tulipe”, filmed in Spain adventure comedy “Neftedobytchitsy.” Four girls came to the Wild West, gaining the right to life in the struggle with cowboys and robbers. The shooting took place quite fun. This is what happens when going to a good company.

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