Harrison Ford
Birthday: 07/13/1942 Year
Age: 72 year
Place of Birth: Chicago, USA
Nationality: United States
Height: 185 cm
Weight: 98 kg
“Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark” / Raiders of the Lost Ark / was his first major starring role in a movie, brought him enormous popularity worldwide.
Harrison Ford was born July 13, 1942 in Chicago in the ordinary American middle-class family. In his younger years, Ford was totally indifferent towards the cinema and went to the movies almost exclusively on dates with her friends. In school, he was a modest quiet boy, bad fit into the team, and therefore had few friends and a lot of problems – local hooligans loved to make fun of him … As a teenager, Harrison became more sociable small, began to attend all sorts of parties, but never became popular among girls.
After high school in the 1960m year, Ford went to college. Not that he really wanted to continue their education – rather, it was expected the people around him, teachers and parents. At the very same Harrison was not the slightest desire to chew on granite science, and he was constantly on the verge of relegation, having crossed that line a few days before the release – unable to cope with one of the creative tasks, Ford has been deducted.
But from this study was defective sense – in college, Harrison began attending acting classes and eventually became involved in the case – in June 1964 he made his first professional debut on stage. Then the truth, no one thought about how good it would be acting career – it was just a hobby …
Soon Ford with his girlfriend and future wife, Mary Marquardt went to the west coast of the US to try his luck at acting career in Hollywood and join ranks with the millions of people like him – dreaming of the silver screen young people who come here from the most remote parts of the state.
In Hollywood, Ford waited pretty standard fate – for jobs in bars and cafes (in this case – in a pizzeria) to ensure its existence and attending acting classes. Find a job was not easy – the maximum that Ford was able to, so it’s to get a contract with the studio Columbia, for which he was promised $ 150 a week for 7 years …
The debut of the actor on the big screen was a picture of “Dead Heat on a Merry-Go-Round” / 1966 /, where he delivered one of the supporting roles. After a few bit parts severed studio with Ford contract, informing him that he was completely devoid of acting ability. Unemployed actor “warmed” studio “Universal”, which is carried out for brand new talent other policies, giving them to participate in the television series. For example, Ford began to appear with episodes of TV films, but fees for these roles were so small that they hardly enough for the maintenance of his family, which by then replenished with son Benjamin. Desperate, Ford decided to give up acting career in favor of a more mundane profession and patched carpenter-builder.
Ford liked his profession, he often worked performed by order of the stars of show business, which soon began to bring him good and allowed fees, finding new connections back to the abandoned acting career: one of his clients turned kasting- director of the studio Universal, who was involved in the selection of actors for the new film to anyone then unknown director George Lucas – “American graffitti” / American Graffiti /. The film proved to be a hit, and Ford was asked to try on the role of Han Solo in the legendary “Star Wars.” Sam Harrison harbored great illusions about the proposal, but luck was on his side, and quite unexpectedly, a young actor, he was chosen by Lucas for the role.
With the release of Star Wars, released in 1977, a further actor’s fate was sealed Ford. The popularity of this fantastic saga has surpassed all possible expectations – instantly became a cult film for a whole generation, bringing its creators fabulous profits, both due to rolling? and due to the huge number of souvenirs produced to this day under the name of Star Wars.
However, despite this success, Ford did not immediately able to change the course of his career, and for some time continued to appear in secondary roles – it lasted until 1980, when the screens out the second episode (to be precise – “Episode 5”) Star Wars – The Empire Strikes Riposte. The only thing that happened for the positive gap between filming two episodes is the fact that Ford met with Melissa Matheson (working at the time scriptwriter), who later became his second wife in 1983 (his first wife he divorced in 1979 ).
“The Empire Strikes Back” gave a second career boost Ford, all the more so in this film Han Solo was given more screen time, and Ford was able to express themselves in a more favorable light.
Beginning of the next turn in the career of Ford can undoubtedly be considered the beginning of filming tapes, telling the adventures of Indiana Jones. This character was developed jointly by George Lucas and Steven Spielberg since 1977. First, this role was approved by Tom Selleck, but after the company CBS refused to release him from filming the TV series “Magnum”, was approved for the role of Harrison Ford.
“Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark” / Raiders of the Lost Ark / was his first major starring role in a movie, brought him enormous popularity worldwide. However, Ford felt uncomfortable in the image of the hero of universal scale, and their next film wanted to move away from this image. Unfortunately, such experiments, for the most part were unsuccessful.
One such failures films became, paradoxically, one of the most iconic fantastic paintings in the history of cinema – “Blade Runner” / Blade Runner / Ridley Scott, based on the novel by Philip K. Dick “Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?” (Based on his works were also removed such films as “Minority Report,” “Total Recall”, etc.). The film was received coldly audience at the box office (film adaptation of the book is largely inferior to the original source,), and Ford himself admitted that it was not the most successful of its role. The actor is constantly disagreements with the director, with the result that the filming process has turned into a nightmare for them.
After “Running …” Ford has returned to his native role of Han Solo in “Return of the Jedi” – the third strip of stellar saga. Interestingly, the original Ford did not want to participate in this film, and wished that his character died (natural death of a hero, excuse the pun), which would give the character a complete and dramatic. However, his opinion, apparently, very few people are interested in, and Han Solo was “unfrozen” and brought back to life, but the screen time he was given this time is much less compared to the previous series. By the way, he was frozen at the end of the 5th episode just because Lucas was not sure whether Ford would agree to participate in the sequel. As it turned out, his fears were not unfounded.
The next film was another film about the adventures of Indiana Jones – “Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.” Shooting were not easy for Ford – he even damaged spinal disc, and not during a jump from an airplane or some fights, but just only while riding on an elephant J.
Tired of the roles of heroes, Ford began to look for a pattern, which would be able to show their acting skills. In this film was “Witness” / Witness /, but the filmmakers to the end were not sure whether Ford pull his acting game the whole film. Fortunately, the fears proved groundless skeptics – Ford work was highly appreciated by critics and he was even nominated for an Oscar as best actor.
In his next film “The Mosquito Coast” / The Mosquito Coast / Ford wanted to play a negative character. It would seem that the film had to be successful – selected cast, script, based on the best-selling book … But the audience negatively perceived character and Ford film flopped at the box office …
As his second wife, Melissa Metison, Harrison never liked atmosphere in Hollywood and has always sought to move away from this crazy world in search of a quiet life in the countryside. His dream came true in 1985 – acquired about 800 acres of land near the town of Viominga, Ford and his family moved to a farmhouse.
After “The Mosquito Coast” / The Mosquito Coast /, Ford starred in Roman Polanski’s “Invincible” / Frantic /, failed in the US box office, but enjoy some popularity among European audiences.
Next picture Ford was somewhat unusual for him, as he spoke in a supporting role, for the first “Star Wars”, but still in the romantic comedy – “Business woman” / Working Girl / Melanie Grffit and Sigourney Weaver in the lead roles. The film was very popular and became one of the most successful bands in 1988.
In 1989 on the screens out the third film about the adventures of Indiana Jones, who this time was reunited with his father by Sean Connery in the fight against Nazi Germany. The shooting took place in a very fun, relaxed atmosphere, as both an actor famous for its good sense of humor and easy to find a common language. So, for example, during the filming of the episode on the airship was the heat that exceeds 35 degrees. Actors were damp just sitting in jackets and vests, but Sean Connery was not taken aback, and using the fact that in an episode of the table could see only the top actors, took off his shoes and pants, much to the surprise the whole production team. Smoot first Ford, however, also followed suit, and the episode was filmed almost from the first take. Actors do not strayed even once, despite the fact that the entire film crew roared with laughter.
After two serious roles – in the films “The presumption of innocence” / Presumed Innocent / and “Something About Henry” / Regarding Henry /, Ford returned to the image of “hero”, starring in the film adaptation of the political thriller based on the book – “Patriot Games” / Patriot Games /. The film, which tells about to come to grips with the terrorists of the Irish Republican Army hero, popular among viewers and gathered a good cashier J.
Sequel to “Patriot Games” – “Clear and Present Danger” was released in 1994 and, like its predecessor a success.
Tired of the role of heroes, Ford has once again decided to change the image a little, starring in the romantic “Sabrina” – for this role, the actor was nominated for a Golden Globe, but the main result, perhaps, conquered the hearts of the spectators began to J
“The Devil’s Own” and “the president’s plane,” “Web of Lies” published in 1997-1999, for the track record of the actor are pretty average job, though, and did not fail at the box office, but did not deserve any special love for the audience, nor the critics.
The opposite can be said about Robert Zemeckis thriller “What Lies Beneath”, stayed in the top ten box office (the highest-grossing films of the week) for more than 10 weeks, raising over $ 150 million just in the US box office – a great suspense created on the screen Zemeckis drew spectators like a magnet and a great game Pfeiffer and Ford (in an unexpected role of hidden maniac) forced to return to the cinema again and again J
In 2002, the screens out the historical film “K-19”, tells the story of the heroic deed of Soviet submariners, the cost of his life, to prevent a catastrophe of global importance. Ford, acting as captain of the submarine, took seriously the study of the facts related to real events, specially came to Russia in order to communicate with the surviving sailors. There were a lot of concerns about that, would not this movie Hollywood once crafts from the category of “vodka, bear, balalaika,” but now we can safely say that its creators, despite the historical inaccuracies and detachment from the real story, as a whole coped with his task is shown in this historical drama heroic character of Russian sailors …
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